Amerykański vs Brytyjski Angielski


Terminy biznesowe różniącą się w Amerykańskim i Brytyjskim Angielskim.

British American
Annual General Meeting (AGM) Annual Stockholders Meeting
Articles of Association Bylaws
authorised share capital authorized capital stock
barometer stock bellwether stock
base rate prime rate
bonus or capitalisation issue stock dividend or stock split
bridging loan bridge loan
building society savings and loan association
cheque check
company corporation
creditors accounts payable
current account checking account
debtors accounts receivable
gilt-edged stock (gilts) Treasury bonds
labour labor
Memorandum of Association Certificate of Incorporation
merchant bank investment bank
ordinary share common stock
overheads overhead
profit and loss account income statement
property real estate
quoted company listed company
retail price index (RPI) consumer price index (CPI)
share stock
share premium paid-in surplus
shareholder stockholder
shareholders’ equity stockholders’ equity
stock inventory
trade union labor union
unit trusts mutual funds
visible trade merchandise trade


US versus British Business Idioms -ćwiczenie

Type of activity:
Paired activity in which students have to guess meaning from context and teach each other idioms.
Level: Upper Intermediate

Teacher’s notes:

  1. Print out the hand out below. Cut the hand out into partner A and partner B; make sure that you have enough for each student in the group.
  2. Ask the students to work in pairs to think of one business idiom that they know. Each student should tell his/her partner and explain what it means, preferably using it in a sentence.
  3. Once they have done this, bring the group together and ask each pair to report back on the idioms that they told each other. Write the very useful ones on the board and allow the whole group to note them down. Then ask the students to think of any sporting idioms that they know. Prompt them by possibly telling them one and then explain that they are going to focus on more in this lesson, for example: threw a curve ball.
  4. Then give each partner in a pair either an A or a B worksheet (see below). Tell the students that they are being given a list of British and American idioms.
  5. Tell each student to look at his/her sheet. They should read the sentences and try to work out what each of the underlined idioms mean.
  6. After they have worked alone for a while, they should read out their sentences to their partners and together they should try to work out the meanings of the idioms.
  7. Ask the students why they think sporting idioms may be used in business and then ask them to think of idioms in their own language which may be similar to the idioms below.
Note that the idioms are not solely used in business.



  1. He worked really hard at one time but now he is hardly doing anything; he has dropped the ball as far as I can see.
  2. She sealed the deal really well with the other company; she has done very well and worked hard. She really batted a thousand.
  3. I have known my best friends for years; we grew up together. We always help each other out. I would always go out to bat for him.
  4. The project is off and running; we were all pleased to see it start.
  5. When the negotiation started she really played hardball i.e. she was really tough; she didn’t get what so she wanted and so now she has resorted to softball.
  6. In that relationship, she calls all of the shots; he never decides anything.
  7. He never does anything underhanded; he always plays by the rules.
  8. Am I thinking in the right way or am I in left field? Do I have the right idea or am I incorrect in the way I am doing things?


  1. The twins are always competing. They especially jockey for position at school.
  2. The company fell at the first hurdle. They only started up a month ago but as soon as times got hard they had to close down.
  3. The new girl at school was very quiet and hardly said a word. Then we had a party and she danced and sang and really was very loud; she was a dark horse.
  4. He is the hot favourite to do well in the exam at school; every one expects him to do the best.
  5. I didn’t think that Jane would do as well in her exams as she did; I don’t think any one did she was a real outsider.
  6. The two new companies are both competing against one another for the market share; at present they are neck and neck i.e. both doing the same.
  7. It’s a dead heat as to who will win the race in the elections. The candidates are both doing equally well.
