Healthy eating – zdrowe jedzenie

Healthy food

Fruit and vegetables are important components of a healthy diet, and their sufficient daily consumption could help prevent major diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases and certain cancers. Overall, it is estimated that up to 2.7 million lives could potentially be saved each year if fruit and vegetable consumption were sufficiently increased. (WHO)

fruit and vegetables – owoce i warzywa
healthy diet – zdrowa dieta
prevent major diseases – zapobiega poważnym chorobom
cardiovascular diseases– choroby układu krążenia

10 principles of healthy eating – 10 zasad zdrowego odżywiania

1. a lot of drinks – dużo napojów
2. reducing the amount of fat that we ingest – zredukowanie ilości tłuszczy, które zjadamy
3. reducing the amount of meat that we eat – zredukwanie ilości mięs, ktore zjadamy
4. lots of vegetables and fruits – dużo warzyw i owowców
5. eating fish once a week – spożywanie ryb raz w tygodniu
6. regular consumption of full-grain product – regularne spożywanie produktow pelno zbożowych
7. avoiding salt – unikanie soli
8. healthy fats / oils – zdrowe tłuszcze/oleje
9. sparingly in alcohol – oszczędność z alkoholem
10. enjoy the taste – rozkoszuj sie smakiem