Future Perfect Continuous


Jak tworzymy ten czas?

Zdanie twierdzące

Dodajemy will have been i czasownik w trzeciej z końcówką -ing

osoba will have been czasownik z końcówką -ing reszta
I will have been teaching German for ten years
by the end of the week
You will have been giving away secrets
She will have been living in this house
He will have been studying  
It will have been snowing  
We will have been reading sci-fi novels
You will have been listening to Sex Pistols
They will have been driving  

Zdanie przeczące

Dodajemy not pomiędzy will i have been

osoba will not have been czasownik z końcówką -ing reszta
I will not have been teaching German for ten years
by the end of the week
You will not have been giving away secrets
She will not have been living in this house
He will not have been studying  
It will not have been snowing  
We will not have been reading sci-fi novels
You will not have been listening to Sex Pistols
They will not have been driving  

Zdanie pytające

Inwersja will z osobą!

will osoba have been czasownik z końcówką -ing reszta
will I have been teaching German for ten years
by the end of the week
will you have been giving away secrets
will she have been living in this house
will he have been studying  
will it have been snowing  
will we have been reading sci-fi novels
will you have been listening to Sex Pistols
will they have been driving  

Kiedy używamy czasu Future Perfect Continuous?

  1. Zazwyczaj z wyrażeniem czasowym z „by”
    By the end of this year I’ll have been driving for sixteen years.
  2. Gdy czynność jest ciągła
    By the end of the month he will have been working here for ten years.
  3. Gdy czynność jest przedstawiana jako ciągła
    By the end of the week I will have been climbing mountains for twenty years.
    UWAGA! Gdy wymieniamy liczbę gór lub dzielimy tę czynność w jakikolwiek sposób, musimy użyć czasu Future Perfect:
    By the end of the week I will have climbed 50 mountains.