Future Perfect


Jak tworzymy ten czas?

Zdanie twierdzące

Dodajemy will have i czasownik w trzeciej formie

osoba will have czasownik w III formie reszta
I will have finished this book by tomorrow evening.
You will have saved $2000 by this time next year.
She will have finished this job in twenty minutes.
He will have attended 2000 lectures by the end of his university course
It will have been paid off by the end of the year (our debt).
We will have taken our exam in a fortnight’s time.
You will have passed your driving tests by then.
They will have done their packing by then.

Zdanie przeczące

Dodajemy not pomiędzy will a have!

osoba will not have czasownik w III formie reszta
I will not have finished this book by tomorrow evening.
You will not have saved $2000 by this time next year.
She will not have finished this job in twenty minutes.
He will not have attended 2000 lectures by the end of his university course
It will not have been paid off by the end of the year (our debt).
We will not have taken our exam in a fortnight’s time.
You will not have passed your driving tests by then.
They will not have done their packing by then.

Zdanie pytające

Inwersja will z osobą!

will osoba have czasownik w III formie reszta
will I have finished this book by tomorrow evening.
will you have saved $2000 by this time next year.
will she have finished this job in twenty minutes.
will he have attended 2000 lectures by the end of his university course
will it have been paid off by the end of the year (our debt).
will we have taken our exam in a fortnight’s time.
will you have passed your driving tests by then.
will they have done their packing by then.

Aby przeczytać o użyciu shall i formach skróconych ze słówkiem will, przejdź do artykułu o czasie Future Simple.

UWAGA! Najczęściej używamy tego czasu z określenieniami czasu zawierającym słówko „by”:

by then, by that time, by the 24th

Kiedy używamy czasu Future Perfect?

  1. Gdy mówimy o czymś co do pewnego momentu w przyszłości będzie już ukończone
    The car will soon have done 100,000 kilometers.
  2. Gdy „przewidujemy teraźniejszość” -> gdy mówimy, co uważamy, że prawdopobnie się stało:
    It’s no use phoning – he’ll have left by now.